Relive those childhood flavours.
Dutch Sweet Balls (Krepeliendjes)
From $6.00
Dutch Boats - Zoute Bootjes
Dutch Candy Bullets (Kleurendrop)
Dutch Cats
Dutch Coin - Muntendrop
Dutch Honey
Dutch Kittens - hard
Dutch Menthol
Dutch Mice shaped licorice - Dropmuis/souris reglisse
Dutch Salted Combo
Dutch Spooks and Ghouls - Zoete Sprookjes - [sweet]
Dutch Sweet Mix
English Comfits - Torpedoes
Garlic & Chilli Licorice
Italian licorice pellets
Italian Licorice Sticks - 16gm each
Licorice Fruit Bites
Lion Midget Gums - licorice
Lion Poor Bens - licorice
Melba's Inch Bars
Pontefract Cakes - direct from the UK
Raspberry & Blackberry Jelly Gums
Soft Regular Black licorice